Pain & Panacea

Pain comes to us in many ways. It can be topical, internal, or emotional. Sometimes it is all three. It is a subject Larry Jr. and I have discussed a lot recently because when we were at the Highland County Maple Festival last month, we sold out of Pain Away! Sad for those who were unable to purchase it that day, but also sad for us, because we lost sales.

But my son, who has for the past three years, brought a new perspective and excitement to Nature’s Common Scents, had a different perspective. “Mom,” he said. “We have so many products that help with pain. Sometimes they get overlooked when Pain Away is on the shelf.”

At the time, I could only focus on the fact that we had disappointed some of our customers. After all, I consider Pain Away to be perhaps the strongest site-specific topical pain reliever on the market today. I didn’t dismiss what he said, but I didn’t fully get it, either.

When we got home and I was checking to see how things were in the greenhouse, one of the large thorns on my ungrateful Lemon tree scratched me pretty well. Big Jim’s Cream solved the problem immediately, stopping the “owie” and healing the bloody hole on my arm, not to mention killing the bacteria. I found myself replaying Larry’s comment in my head. “That was pain,” my brain told me. “And I didn’t reach for Pain Away.”

So I called my son to say I understood what he was saying about our products for pain, and he launched into more “teaching for mom.”

“Often overlooked is Medicated Massage Oil, which not only helps with pain, but it relieves stress and muscle aches, and those suffering with fibromyalgia can massage it all over their bodies if needed, which you can’t do with Pain Away,” he said. “And look how often you and Autumn rely upon Rosewood Massage Oil, for leg cramps, restless legs and just plain to help you sleep!”

I agreed.

Larry went on: “Also there’s Skin Calm. It’s so easy to apply and has everything in it to help with dry, itchy skin, and when you spray it on, it also lifts your spirits. And don’t forget Lavender Spritzer for headaches, and it’s very calming both emotionally and physically, and even calms down rowdy dogs!”

By now I was fully engaged in thinking of the ingredients in all our products and how many of them relieve one form or another of pain. Toe fungus, for example, actually hurts. Our Anti-fungal oil makes short work of the pain while it’s killing the fungus. The same is true for Napoleon’s Soap.

The word that came to mind as I reviewed our product list was “panacea.” I discovered the word Panacea comes from Panakeia, the Greek goddess of universal healing. She was believed to have a potion that would cure any sickness.

I have always believed that God provides us with a plant for every illness or condition, and it’s up to us to discover which plant does what. In medicine’s humble beginnings, mankind looked to plants for healing, and even modern medicine has screened approximately 70,000 species for their potential as medicines. Even so, big pharmacy companies have moved far away from using the plants themselves.

Nature’s Common Scents hasn’t!

Here’s a list and short description of products we make that can be a panacea for your pain, itching, fungal issues, sleeplessness, or mild depression, all of which to one degree or another cause us helpless human beings to suffer!

If you see a product you haven’t tried, we hope you will. After all, thorny, itchy, bity bug season is upon us! Need I mention poison ivy, poison oak, mosquitoes, horseflies, gnats …

Acne Clear & Clean

Antifungal Oil

Rose Geranium Spray (NEW!)

Big Jim’s Cream

Comfort Cream

Calendula Ointment

Deep Muscle Massage Bar

Gum Powder

Lavender Spritzer

Lemonbalm balm

Napoleon’s Soap

Pain Away

Rosewood Massage Oil

Sinus Aid

Skin Calm

Skin Revival Oil


How This Work Began – Tales of the Garden


Highland County Maple Festival — Again!