More About Sinus Aid

Sinus Aid. I really rely upon it. It came about quite a few years ago, as I was suffering from yet another migraine-type sinus issue. I pondered how I could "apply" the plants and herbs I knew could help to my aching head and neck. It occurred to me how quickly much of what we apply to our skin ends up in our bloodstream, and that the inside of our nose has skin just waiting to transfer healing herbs to the painful areas.

I have used Sinus Aid almost every day at least once since then!

But why am I thinking it could be called "Nose Skin Aid"? Because of my recent hospital stay where for a few hours I had one of those thin plastic oxygen tubes placed in the end of my nose. Once home, I began to get small sores inside my nostrils. At first, I guessed it was the dry winter air. Then I knew it was more than that when the sores enlarged during the night and began to hurt. I feared I was getting a staph infection. Immediately I turned to Sinus Aid. The soreness stopped after the first soothing cotton swabbing. I could feel the healing oils taming the discomfort and making my nose a hostile environment for germs. Very quickly the sores diminished and were all but gone within days.

A great benefit of using Sinus Aid in and around nose skin is how, no matter how sore it is, the soreness goes away so quickly and mostly gently (the mint oils may give tender skin a moment of "warm" feeling).

Yes, noses have skin too! Keep some "Nose Skin Aid" on hand this winter. You and your nose will be glad you do!



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