Is there a Fungus “Amung us”?

There are two men I regret not having the opportunity to sit down and chat with. One of them is Elvis Presley. The other is James Duke. Unfortunately, both are gone now.

Chances are you’ve heard of Elvis. I hope, as my customers and friends, you’ve read something by Dr. James Duke. If not, you’ve missed an opportunity to acquire a wealth of down-to-earth knowledge about plants, herbs, medicine, and our bodies. All that is so important to me!

Ever since I began my quest to help people with skin issues, I’ve been plagued by the reality that so often, what we see on the skin is the result of something that is happening internally. There are much greater minds than mine who have studied this, and therefore there is much written about it. And many medications have been developed.

But it’s pretty clear that medicines don’t always solve the problem, and some of them are downright dangerous.

Fungal issues are perhaps among the most frustrating maladies. Yes, they show up on our nails, or as jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot and the like. But while they appear on our skin, they are actually also roaming around in our bodies. (If that makes you squirm, I’m sorry.)

Studies show that using more than one antifungal plant is the most effective way to kill fungal infections, because they work in harmony. The complex combinations of compounds in plants have evolved through the ages to protect plants against fungi and other diseases and pests. If they did not have this ability, they would not survive.

That’s why we use plants as medicine!

When I created my anti-fungal products, I wanted to use plants that would not only kill the fungus that was visible on the skin but would also soak in to help fight the infection in the bloodstream. But a topical medication, even though it does soak in, isn’t strong enough to handle that fight alone.

Those of you who have used my Anti-fungal Oil know that it comes with a soup recipe This soup was derived from one Dr. James Duke created to help deal with yeast infections. Because many of the same herbs also kill fungi, I suggest that anyone who struggles with any kind of fungal or yeast issue consider making this soup part of a daily routine in your effort to fight off those little beasties.


Anti-Fungal Soup Recipe:

Your new daily routine!

To 4 Cups water add 2 chopped onions, 4-6 (or more) cloves garlic, 1/2 to 1 TBS each* dried leaves sage and thyme, ground turmeric and 1 tsp. ground cloves. Cook until onions are tender. Keep soup refrigerated (up to a week) or frozen in individual daily (8-ounce) containers.

*You may need to start with smaller portions of herbs until you get used to the flavor. Add salt to taste. Adding acidophilus yogurt to each dose is helpful.


Atlantic Beach - Memories Since 1949


Wildfires, Smoke, and Our Lungs