Elderflower Liqueur Recipe

This Elderflower Liqueur recipe is an excerpt from Sondra’s Book of Knowledge- Herbal Recipes & Things.

This is the tonic so many of my friends, family, and customers have come to rely upon for colds and other viruses. It is actually based on a recipe for a liqueur called Limóncello. I have dubbed it “The Recipe” with a nod toward the beloved Baldwin Sisters, characters in The Waltons TV series.


You will need:

  • 1.5 cups of dried Elderflowers

  • 3 ounces fresh Lemon balm leaves or 1 ounce dried

  • Peel of three lemons or one lemon sliced (I like to use the entire lemon)

  • 1 liter 100 proof vodka (if you are gluten intolerant, use potato vodka)

Add herbs and lemons to a sterile half gallon jar. Pour vodka over the herbs and press down so vodka covers everything. If it doesn’t, add more vodka. Cover. Let jar sit on the countertop for four weeks. You may have to add more vodka to keep the herbs covered. Shake the tonic once a day. Herbs may float initially and that is all right.

After four weeks, strain out the herbs and lemon. Squeeze them well to remove all the flavored vodka. Strain the now-amber colored vodka through a fine sieve. Clean the jar and return the vodka to it.

Make the sugar syrup:

Bring 4 cups water to a boil. Add 2 cups sugar. Return to boil and simmer until liquid is clear. Remove from heat and let it cool. Add cooled sugar syrup to the jar. Cover.

After two weeks, pour liqueur into individual bottles. It can be kept in a cool, dark pantry or cupboard a year or more.

For better taste, chill until it’s very cold. It can also be kept in the freezer (if your glass bottles will accept freezing temperatures) and is to me more tasty at that temperature. Take an ounce at a time if you have cough, cold, flu or have been exposed to large crowds or viruses. Otherwise enjoy as a cordial.


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