Shrinking Shipping Cost

Happy New Year everyone. While we are in the middle of a “THANKYOU” free ship month, I wanted to let you know that we are lowering the shipping costs that customers pay -permanently.

Some of you may have noticed already, but at the start of the year, we lowered our standard First Class Shipping cost 30% and Priority 24%. They will remain this way indefinitely.

We’ve also completely eliminated shipping on orders that top 5 lbs. There’s no catch. No sign-ups, no monthly fees to pay, no creative add-ons. No extra work at checkout. It’s automatically applied. Free.

The reduction in shipping comes with no increase in product prices. Believe it or not, Sondra’s prices, like the ingredients in her recipes, have remained practically unchanged for over a decade - and we don’t have any plans to make changes.

We’ll have more offerings like this in the future, so keep an eye out for our newsletters. Thanks for reading.

Larry Jr.


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Christmas Open House